Things for Book Lovers To Do

Here's a list for book lovers to do just because or when you're bored or whatever.

1. Read a book
2. Watch book related videos
3. Make bookish items
4. Read another book
5. Fangirl over books via social media
6. Find more good books to add to that TBR pile
7. Start a blog
8. Start a YouTube
9. Go on Tumblr
10. Go on book related Instagrams
11. Write a book yourself
12. Eat food 
13. Cosplay
14. Follow authors (don't stalk)
15. Watch good book to movie/tv show adaptations
16. Snuggle with a pet while doing these things
17. Write fanfiction
18. Read fanfiction
19. Start a wish list of bookish items
20. Just love books:)

Merry  Christmas! Or if you're Jewish, Happy Hanukkah!


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