Cheap Books? Yes Please!

You walk into the local bookstore and admire all the beautiful books that you so desperately want to buy. There's only one problem. You don't have enough money. Well my fellow book lovers, I've discovered ways to get books for cheaper. Not all of them may be for you -if you like to physically display them or like brand new copies- but other than that they are pretty great.

Yep, this one is pretty obvious, but giveaways provide free books. Free. Ooh,  no money I have to spend. Of course you may not win, but keep entering different ones for books that are appealing. It wouldn't be fair to others if you entered random giveaways. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Sometimes a good deal can be found on Amazon. What I mean is that the book is cheaper than the one at the bookstore. True, there's shipping, but overall it probably is a better buy. There's also the used section where you can find pre-loved books, sometimes  for only several dollars. Not all of them  are in horrific condition. On the Kindle several books are cheaper such as the Throne of Glass series. I personally don't mind e-books so I buy some on my device. 

There are places like E-books for Review and Net-Galley where you can sign up to receive a digital form of a book that interests you. An author or publisher might even kindly allow you to have a copy if you ask them. Who knows, maybe you'll be asked first. 

Deals float around where there is but two and get the third free (at BAM) and Epic Reads even had one not to long ago where to books were $1.99. Just keep your eyes peeled. At BAM, there is a bargain prices section with fabulous books for $7 or less. The bigger the store, the more books. They can be on a table or cart.

Sasha from abookutopia on Youtube really likes this store called Half-Price Books. Basically all books are marked down from the original price. They do have a website so online order is available since the store is only in select locations ( a list is on the site). and also provide great deals!

I love the library. I know some people don't. However, I find it great for checking out a book I don't know if I'll love. No money down the drain and that means more to go buy a different book not at the library. True, the library copy won't belong to you, but that doesn't always matter. Plus, librarians also give great suggestions! Borrowing from a friend also falls into this category. Just make sure to keep track of the book and don't wreck it!

I am in no way an expert on this topic. I've just taken experience and piled it together. Who knows? This list may be useful some day (since everyone loves to spend as little as possible).

What are your thoughts on libraries? Do you like them or find it hard to walk into?


  1. My local library lets me reserve books online and I can pick them up at the branch by my house. It's super convenient. I always leave with a huge stack of books and I feel like a crazy book lady, but I don't care.

    1. I still have yet to figure out how to online reserve. I feel like that too as I browse the shelves and my sister thinks I'm weird because of it. But yeah, who cares? It's books.


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