Review Policy

Terms and Conditions
I. Introduction
 The agreement has been created so we have an understanding of what's going to happen when I review the book, and how you can help the process run smoothly.
II. This will be my review
 If I review your book, that means it will be in my own words. You will not tell me what to add or take out or saying that my view is wrong. If you put the book in my hands you give me full rights to say what I want about it. I will give an honest review of the book.
III. If the review is not flattering
 I read books that are good, and some that are not so good. If I give your book under three stars, I will contact you to see if you still want it posted. Not many bloggers do this... it's always "Too bad so sad". I want you to succeed, so if you don't think my review is flattering, I won’t post it. This also reverts to rule one. I will not change my review because it's not flattering. Keep in mind that not everyone will love your book, even Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter -- which are loved by many people -- have gotten criticism. You're no different.
IV. Other social media sites
 I will post these reviews on my blog and Goodreads. If you have another place you want me to post or don't want Goodreads, please tell me. I will not under any circumstances harass any fellow bloggers on these sites for you.
V. Keeping the Book
I may or may not keep the book. Some I might keep, while others might be donated to the library or a giveaway held. If you by chance would like the book back (if a physical copy is sent), then I will return it.
VI. Act like an adult
 Yes, this has to be said. If you don't like something I've said in my review or don't like a certain aspect of how I post them, no name calling, swearing at me, or threats of any kind. You're a professional... don't think my review is going to damage your sales immensely.

VII. Conclusion
 I'm a really nice reviewer and am not out to get you. My goal is to help you succeed, and if you think you're a good fit contact me back with a big "Yes!" and I’ll get started right away. If you don't agree with any of these terms, I'm sorry to see you leave and I hope you'll think of me in the future. We both have a passion for books, and I'd love to review for you!
Thank you,

Crystal K

Make sure to read the About page also. Forms I will accept include ARC's, physical copies, e-book, and PDF.

Please send all requests for reviews using the message box in the sidebar.
Please include the following information:
-Who you are
- Book title and summary along with a Goodreads or Amazon link
- If you would like the review published by a certain date
- Anything else you would like to add


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