Wordy Wednesday (#9)

Wordy Wednesday is a meme that focuses on expanding vocabulary for aspiring writers or even finding out new words. All that is required is coming up with a word and its definition.

Tinny - lacking in timbre or resonance; sounding thin or twangy 
not strong or durable; flimsy; shoddy. (Dictionary.com)

I'd come across tinny several times in books, and at first I thought it was a typo and supposed to say tiny. Then I realized, no, this is an actual word, most likely having to do with sound (it had been used in references to voice). And so I finally decided to look it up.

An example on the website said "a tinny piano." A personal one is "tinny logic," because sometimes we don't think things through.

Have you ever thought one word was supposed to be another? 


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