Rapid Fire Book Tag

The Rapid Fire tag gives a list of questions, requiring that you--surprise--answer them quickly, typically with the first answer that pops into your head. I'm doing this tag with Arvenig, so make sure to go check out her post to see her responses!

1) E-book or Phisical book?
Physical. I like to be able to hold the book and flip through the pages, and I find it easier to get to a page I've marked versus a highlighted section in an e-book.

2) Paperback or hardback?
Paperback because they're lighter and cheaper. Plus I don't feel as bad if I make marks in them. Hardbacks are nice (they look beautiful), but I won't be so much as putting a pencil to the page anytime soon.

3) Online or In-store book shopping?
Online is great because prices are cheaper and tax doesn't apply. However, it can't beat going to the store and walking among the shelves. There also isn't a several days wait.

4) Trilogies or series?
I never really thought about this comparison till I saw the question. Trilogies are great when they're done right. The story line doesn't drag on forever. Series are preferable if there is going  to be a lot more depth to the plot, like in Harry Potter. While I do have favorite books that come from trilogies, like The Hunger Games, I'm going with series.

5) Heroes or villains?
Heroes, as long as they have problems of their own and aren't all "we've got this" and are perfect. 
6) A book you want everyone to read?
Partials by Dan Wells and Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger
7) Recommend an underrated book.

8) What’s the last book you’ve finished?
Mayan Blood by Theresa DaLayne

9) What’s the last book you bought?
The last book I bought was Between Shades of Grey by Ruta Sepetys. I've heard many good things about it and found myself wanting to read it.

10) What’s the weirdest thing you’ve used as a bookmark?
In my opinion, I've never used truly strange items as bookmarks. Scraps of paper, pencils, clothing tags, things like that, but it's not like I've ever used something as strange as a blade of grass.

11) Used books: Yes or No?
Yes, because typically they're cheaper. As long as the book isn't stained or bent terribly bad, I'll read it.

12) Top three Favourite Genres
Fantasy/Mythology, mystery/suspense, dystopian

13) Borrow or buy?
I'll do both, as long as I can read the book. Libraries make great resources.

14) Characters or plot?
Can I say both? Because one could be great and the other not and it would detract from the story. Characters are the reason a plot happens, but I'm going to say plot because we could have those fabulous characters eating chips on a sofa. The plot makes their story more interesting.

15) Long or short books?
Long books because that typically means there was more world building and development, plus the story continues on a little longer.

16) Long or short chapters?
Longer chapters, usually no more than 20 pages. If it is going to be a longer chapter everything better connect well and all be related.

17) Name the first three books you think of…
The Last Olympian, The Last Battle, The Red Pyramid

18) Books that made you laugh or cry?
I like to laugh more than cry, so I prefer that in a book. If it makes me cry too, let the tears flow.

19) Our world or fictional worlds?
Our world if it has fantastical elements. DC does is an example of our world that I really like. Fictional worlds are great for concepts that need their own world, like Throne of Glass, but they have to be done right. 

20) Audiobooks: Yes or No?
I'm cool with them, and I've heard stories that on audiobook I wouldn't have picked up, but I wouldn't pay for a subscription service. 

21) Do you ever judge a book by its cover?
Maybe... I do sometimes, for sure when I'm buying. If the book has a beautiful cover and I've heard good things about it I'm more inclined to pick it up.

22) Book to movie or book to tv adaptations?
It depends on the book, but for me book to movie. Part of the reason is I can watch them easier since I don't have cable. (TV shows do get to tease at the end of each episode which can be a good or bad thing...)

23) A movie or TV show you preferred to its book?
Mocking Jay Part II; I found the book, mainly the first half slow, and the second half did pick up, but I enjoyed it more on the screen.

24) Series or standalones?
Series because there seems to be more time for world-building

Ok, so I know rapid fire means a quick answer and move on, but for some of these I wanted to explain my thought process. If you do the tag please leave a link in the description, so I can see what you said.


  1. I love you answers! I love walking among the shelves and I've never read Between Shades Of Grey but I really like Ruta Sepetys. I love Mystery and Dystopian as well :)

  2. This tag looks like so much fun! That series or trilogies question is an interesting one and I think I would go with series too! And yah for world building; I love when the world building is done just right. It makes the book so much better! Happy reading!



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