Book Haul #1

I normally don't do book hauls for a few reasons. One, I never buy enough books at once for it to be a "haul." Two, they're not my favorite thing in the world. Why are you doing one then, you may be thinking. Well, I've been wanting to read these books for a while and I'm quite proud of them (it's my first online order :)). I'll put their quality and a Goodreads link. They are in no particular order and we're all under four dollars. So without further ado let's get into it.

1. Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris

This seems to have been on my TBR for the longest time. Hopefully all the waiting will have been worth it! It's a Very Good and is an ex-library hardback. Sometimes waiting pays off because originally I was going to pay $9.99.
Goodreads Link

2. Sneak by Evan Angler
I read the first book, Swipe, forever ago. Every time I went to a bookstore they have all the other books in the series except this one. Pretty frustrating. Thankfully, I finally got a Good paperback.
Goodreads Link

3. Waterfall by Lisa T. Bergen

Time traveling back into medieval Italy? Yes please! Sounds like their summer did get a lot more interesting. The quality is Good and it is also an ex-library paperback.
Goodreads Link

4. Mark of the Thief  by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Here is another Italian based book except this time it takes place in ancient Rome. And there's magic. It's a Good quality paperback.
Goodreads Link

5. Cold Fury by T.M. Goeglen

This was another book that's been on my TBR for a while. There's spies, a family secret, action. Sounds like something I would like. If you like stories where the protagonist is being pursued by somewhat crazy people (Magnus Chase, I'm looking at you), then you might like it. It's a Like New hardback copy.
Goodreads Link

This concludes my first book haul!I've officially added five more books to my pile to read this year. Some of those library books might need to wait a while now.

This post was in no way sponsored by Thrift Books. I'm just really pleased with their service and would encourage you to at least check out their site. I plan on buying a lot more books from them in the future.


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