The Fever Code Review

The Fever Code is the fourth book in the Maze Runner series by James Dashner. It is dystopian with some sci-fi.

The Fever Code (The Maze Runner, #0.6)"Once there was a world’s end.

The forests burned, the lakes and rivers dried up, and the oceans swelled.

Then came a plague, and fever spread across the globe. Families died, violence reigned, and man killed man.

Next came WICKED, who were looking for an answer. And then they found the perfect boy.

The boy’s name was Thomas, and Thomas built a maze.

Now there are secrets.

There are lies.

And there are loyalties history could never have foreseen. 

This is the story of that boy, Thomas, and how he built a maze that only he could tear down.
All will be revealed."~Goodreads
This review might contain slight spoilers if you have not read the first three books.

I cannot put into words how excited I was for the release of this book. I probably checked the release date several times to see how close we were getting to it. It was one of my most highly anticipated books this year. After all, I wanted to know all of WICKED's secrets and have my questions answered in some form or fashion.

From reading the main series, I knew how messed up the organization was. This confirmed it. Like brainwashing little kids and being cruel to them is not okay. Then some chapters later I started to think that even though their world is basically destroyed good still exists.

"You'll never know where you're going until you understand where you came from."

Teresa was always a strange character to me (not in a bad way necessarily). She reminded me of the annoying friend at times. And I am so glad that her and Thomas never ended up together in the series because I like her much better as just a friend. And then she started getting sketchy and I know why and how she did what she did doesn't sit well with me. Poor Thomas though. He's a good kid with a good heart and he deserves so much more out of life. And Paige. What happened with her shocked me to some degree, but it added to the story so I can't argue to much. She's one strange lady.

Since books are supposed to teach lessons I decided to pull one out. The Fever Code taught me that people aren't always what they seem, either for better or for worse.

So now I come down to this: how do I rate the book? It was frustrating (like when the characters think something that is so not true) but at the same time it was so good and lived up to my expectations. Fans of the Maze Runner won't be disappointed.



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