Musing Mondays (#1)

I've been wanting to do this meme for a while but every time Monday comes around I forget it exists. Today I actually remembered. Yay! Musing Mondays is held my Books And A Beat.
                                    Musing Mondays |
This week's question is: Name a book everyone should read at least once.

This is tough. I have loads of favorite books I wish everyone would read and like (as do most other booklovers). There's Harry Potter, Rick Riordan's books and The Chronicles of Narnia, for example. I'm going to bend the rules here and name two that are in completely different genres.

The first is Eragon (Inheritance Cycle #1). My friend convinced me to read it and I fell in love. I read the rest of the series within that same school year. Beware, they are big books but totally worth it.

The second is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I'm going to link you over to a post, because the review basically sums up my love for it (Review). I don't talk about it much, due to it being on my Kindle, but I probably should start discussing it more.

That's it for my first meme. Despite it being short, I still really enjoyed doing it.


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