Numbers Game Review

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Numbers Game is written by Rebecca Rode and is dystopian/ science fiction.It is the first in its series.


"Treena is nervous for Rating Day. A single number will brand her forever—a valuable citizen, or a pathetic waste of space. Her top-Rated boyfriend is confident their scores will coincide so they can attend the academy together. But when the big day arrives, her true number shocks everyone. 

To get her life and boyfriend back, she must go undercover and expose a military spy. Doesn’t sound too hard, except that someone wants her dead. And then there’s Vance, the mysterious soldier with a haunted past and beautiful brown eyes. Together, they discover a dark numbers conspiracy, one that shatters the nation’s future. Treena must join up with Vance if she is to survive the dangerous game of numbers—and the terrible war that rages within her heart."~Goodreads

At first Treena wants everything that NORA says she should and doesn't question anything but her rating. I would be pretty mad if I followed the rules almost perfectly my whole life and didn't get what I earned. By the end of the book she has learned to think for herself. It's weird that she calls her parents by their first names. Vance was a strong male character and I liked how he didn't fit into one of the typical book-boy stereotypes.

There's always the characters we strongly dislike. The empress is my first. Power does truly corrupt. The second is Konnor, Treena's stepfather. He is so cruel and only cares for himself. And then there's Dresden. Oh my. He's a jerk, and then you think he might have changed, but nope, he's just like everyone else. However, their characters are created well.

I hate how every young adult synopsis throws in a love triangle or plot somehow. Though this was one of those stories it didn't seem typical. There is no instalove (thank goodness) and Treena wants to make up her mind, but it's like she's in two worlds.

There were some minor plot twists and then some bigger ones. About half I saw coming during the first ten chapters or so. The rest didn't blow my mind, but they were pretty shocking (the last one made me so furious). I couldn't stand to live in a world where people judge you by your number. The sad thing is we do that today, but in a different way.

Some Quotes that stuck out to me:
"Haven't you ever been part of something bigger than yourself? Something you believed in so strongly you'd give your life for?" - Page 58 in PDF

"I mean, why do you let yourselves be controlled by some stranger's opinion of what you're worth? Why can't everyone be valuable for who they are and not for how well they conform to some random ideal?" - Page 76 in PDF

Numbers Game is a nice quick read. I would recommend it for anyone in a reading slump.
Rating: (eeeck, this will never have the same meaning)


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